Monday, May 03, 2010


Sometimes in life, we must know when to quit.

Accept that no matter how hard we try to make things work, when you know it’s not going to work, it will never work.

We must learn to admit when things are not meant to be, it will never be whatever you do.

The hardest part is, telling it to someone who doesn’t want to give up. I know he’ll hate me and I don’t know if he’ll speak to me ever again.

But then again, I know it is the most dignified thing to do. Saving that person from all the heartaches. Face the consequences.

It all boils down to being honest with what you feel. Hoping that someday that person would find in his heart to forgive you. Hoping that he’ll understand why you have to do it.

It is all about taking full responsibility and moving forward without worrying that you’ve hurt someone from your past because you choose to face the problem head-on than hide behind all the same old shit of “it’s-not-you-it’s-me” reason. Face the music . Have the balls. Have the guts. Have the nerve to tell it to his face that it’s not working.

This is going to be one difficult week for me.


He has persistently asked me of how I feel for almost a month now.

I tried.

I really did.

But my whole heart is not into it.

I still tried, but when things started to change, as days go by, between my heart and what his intentions were...

I knew, I have to let go... I have to tell him.

I do love the attention. I like the affection he shows but to be in a relationship again? I’m not sure if I’m ready with all my heart – with all of me.

Let’s put it this way, being in a relationship, I do miss the feeling. I do miss having someone beside me, caring for someone and all that bruhaha, but thinking about all the freedom and choices I have as a single person, it is beyond what I could put into words. This is the first time in my whole life, since I had my first boyfriend, that I’m without a boyfriend for more than four months. It’s been almost nine months now, I do get lonely sometimes but then, looking at all of my options and adventures and besides I’m not really looking for someone just yet, I’m just enjoying the ride until I can. And I know, when the right person comes along, I know the universe will have it’s own way of letting me know that he is the one for me.

But at this point, I don't think so.

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